Some thoughts, some insights….

A heartfelt Thank You to all. I have never expected a pageview of two hundred and five for my first blog in only four days.

Here’s the preliminary thoughts on how to frame the interior of my own corner.

The phase where almost everybody is indebted to for entire life is their childhood and I am no exception. Some down the lane memories will be shared certainly.

I would love to have some discussions on some insightful issues related to individuals as well as society. A smooth transition from micro to macro level discourse of life is intended through my writings and it will be a humble tribute to my subject. So far, I haven’t done justice to the effort that I had put in to learn some Economics, however small it may be. I will definitely try to recognize the intellectual indebtedness that I owe to my teachers and once again enjoy the true essence of my subject going beyond the alpha, beta, gamma functions and making it relatable.

I have deep emotions for my mother tongue Bengali, my Bangla bhasha (Bengali language). Some posts are definitely going to be in Bengali; subjects are open.

Food, travel, music are my areas of love and passion. Hope to write something interesting on these.

This is what I could think of till now. Any suggestion is welcome.

just coming back….stay tuned.


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